What is Uroflowmetry?
Uroflowmetry is a test measuring the volume of urine released from the body, the speed with which it is released, and how long it takes. Uroflowmetry diagnoses lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), such as weak stream, incomplete emptying, hesitancy, straining, post-void dribbling, and frequency.

How the Test is Performed ?
You will urinate in a urinal or toilet fitted with a machine with a measuring device.You will be asked to begin urinating after the machine has started. When you finish, the machine will make a report for your health care provider.
How the Test is Performed ?
This test is useful in evaluating the function of the urinary tract. In most cases, a person having this test will report too slow urination.
The test involves a small amount of iodine, which marks areas where urine flows through the body. The patient drinks a solution containing iodine. As the urine flows through the bladder, it absorbs some of the iodine. After the test, the bladder is emptied, and the person looks at the pattern of color in the urine. The test shows up as black or blue dots. The test is useful in assessing whether the bladder is working normally. A healthy bladder produces clear urine.